
CoreTherm® - Thermotherapy treatment for Benign prostatic hyperplasia
ProstaLund has patented CoreTherm®, an individualized heat treatment for benign prostatic enlargement (Benign prostatic hyperplasia – BPH). CoreTherm® is currently used in public hospitals and private clinics in the Nordic region and around the world.
The treatment, which is done under local anesthesia, takes less than 15 minutes. During treatment, the temperature in the prostate, urethra, rectum and at the root of the penis is monitored. The treatment effect is calculated continuously and with the help of temperature monitoring, the doctor or nurse in charge can control the treatment. The entire visit to the clinic takes about 1 hour. This includes preparation, treatment, and information. The treatment result is equivalent to a surgery (TUR-P) that requires hospitalization. Compared to a TUR-P, CoreTherm® leads to fewer serious complications.
Read: CoreTherm Concept – The journey to find the best treatment in the world for BPH
CoreFlow® Soft Stent
CoreFlow® - A device with multiple areas of use
CoreFlow® Soft Stent is an innovative product with multiple functions.
Temporary prostate stent that simulates the treatment results of an invasive BPH procedure such as CoreTherm® or TUR-P.
Alternative to indwelling catheter in urinary retention that may reduce the risk of UTIs and enables self-catheterization.
CoreFlow can replace the urodynamic examinations and also be used where the latter does not work.
CoreFlow can save resources for healthcare and shorten the time to curative treatment for patients with benign prostatic enlargement.

Schelin Catheter®

ProstaLund’s Schelin Catheter is a medical device intended for intraprostatic and periprostatic injection of legally market drugs.
It is included as a component of the CoreTherm® Concept used for administering anesthetics and adrenaline to manage pain during the treatment of BPH.
The device can also be used separately in conjunction with other prostate procedures, where drugs need to be administered into the prostate in a sterile way to manage pain.
Oruflow - An innovative urine flow meter
Oruflow is an innovative urine flow meter for urology clinics in Sweden, Norway and Finland. The product, Oruflow, is a CE-marked medical device and the world’s first patient-controlled flow meter, which measures urine flow over time and provides data on bladder status by providing important indicators of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS).
Oruflow visualizes the rate of urine flow during urination. The patient scans a barcode to start the examination. After the survey, Oruflow prints the report and cleans itself automatically. Oruflow measures the values of the test, compiles the report and saves the information automatically.
The built-in screen helps patients and guides them through the entire process. The patient uses a barcode to allow Oruflow to automatically save the examination report. The patient receives the results of the examination in just a few seconds without the guidance of a nurse. The patient can go to the doctor right away, and the urine flow meter will get ready for the next examination.